Monday, March 21, 2016

Plate Tectonics

My pre-knowledge of plate tectonics before this chapter was very little. I understood that plates move by certain natural occurrences on earth's surface, but anything beyond that I had really no understanding of.  

After discussing plate tectonics, I understand that there are four different types of plate boundaries. As a teacher, I think that one of the best ways to explain or model plate tectonics is by using graham crackers and frosting as we did in class. For example, this is a perfect model  of divergent plate boundaries using graham crackers and frosting.

This is a perfect example of a divergent plate boundary when two plates move away from each other.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

If I had $100

If I had $100 to represent earths water, $95 would be in the earth's ocean. Ninety-five dollars would be in the earth's ocean's because 95% of earths water is comprised of oceans. This leaves only 5% (or $5) representing all of the rest of earth's water. The five dollars left over is comprised of fresh water and a very small portion of our $5 represents "other saline waters. The fresh water can be broke down mainly into groundwater and glacier water.